Before applying, you should research your visa options and prepare the information and supporting documentation required, such as skills assessments and English language test results. You should also check to see whether your occupation is listed on the relevant SOL, that you meet the basic criteria and that you meet the points test pass mark. You can submit your EOI for the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) online through the
SkillSelect website, from within Australia or overseas.
When you complete an EOI, the system will give you a points score and results based on your claims, which will then be processed by SkillSelect. If you are invited to apply for a visa, you will receive an invitation to apply from SkillSelect. You will have 60 days to make a valid visa application online before the invitation expires. Because more people want to migrate to Australia than there are places available, not everyone who submits an EOI will receive an invitation to apply for a visa. Your EOI will remain in the SkillSelect database for a maximum of two years after submission. During this time you can update it if your circumstances change — if you gain any additional qualifications or experience, for example. Any changes will be taken into account and may increase your ability to be invited.